Sunday, March 9, 2008


First off, I am from Arizona and lived there for 25 years and we did just fine with never, ever having to change our clocks so why does everyone else feel they have to? I have such a hard time with the time change. Especially with a little baby. I am sitting here listening to all 3 of my older children laying in their beds talking to each other even though it is 11:15 because they took a nap at their normal bed time because we were taking Daddy to the airport. Now, they are wide awake. So frustrating. I am sure it is going to be a long couple of nights until we get back into the swing of things. Whoever came up with this grand idea never had small children. Okay, I am off of my soap box now.


Mama Mia said...

What is worse is the morning! No one wants to get most of all!

skatej said...

Yeah this is going to be interesting at work. I'm a mother's helper for twin nine month olds and a three year old and they have a very scheduled existance. I don't know how they adjust for time change, but it's hard enough to get one of them to sleep at all.

My dad thinks it's a conspiracy from the government, that two senators got together and said "you know what would be fun? let's pull one over on the uneducated public!"

Beckie said...

It is strange, especially in the spring. All day Rich and I have been saying can you believe it is already____o'clock? Weird. And another thing I dont especially love it when it stays light till 8:00 (practically) if it is too cold to play outside. Go figure...

I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!!!!! Let's protest or something!

Nichole Christensen said...

I don't know how you do it, Heather! You're such a good Mom!!

Chris works at In-n-Out. :) He's actually on the clean-up crew, so he goes in super early, cleans the store, gets to eat and then come home. So far it's been okay... Hopefully it stays okay!