Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ah Hoy Matey!!!!

Kimbo did such a cute job making these hats that I just had to share them with everyone!!!


Barbies Blog said...

Ok, I want to watch your kids some night just so I get to spend some time with those cuties!

Heather said...

Any time. You tell me when, and they are all yours!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriend,
Its me Marilyn Carpenter from Albuquerque NM. Your sister in law gave me your blog site. Wow the kids are so big! How old is your new little one? McKenna is now 15 (She said hello), Michael 13 in 3 weeks, Christopher 11 in 7weeks and Camille is 8 was baptized in November. Hey Email me and we will catch

The Carpenterz said...

Hi Sister Hopkins!!! *waves* this is McKenna. Hows Everyone doing? I Just waanted to tell you that my mom had me make a blog space for our family. If you want, you can go to it.
I hope every one is doing well. I LOVE the way you decorated your blog. Did you use scrapbook paper for a background? I can't figure out how to use an image as a background... o well. TTFN