Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Here are our trick or treaters!! They had such good time..Garrison was Luigi, Kimbo was a vicious vampire, Rachel was a black cat, and Natalie was the Alabama mascot. I made home made chicken noodle soup and rolls for dinner, then as soon as our tummys were full, we were off. Naddie was the biggest hit..Her little "trick or treat" was just precious! I will say we got some interesting responses living here in Texas with our Alabama mascot in tow...All in good fun though! I put bows on her ears to make sure that people knew she was a girl. :)

Kimbo said trick or treat in her best vampire voice at every door, Garrison was jumping up and down at every door because he was so over stimulated, and rachel couldn't see out of her mask very well so her main focus was not falling..boy were we quite the sight.

1 comment:

Kim said...

So cute! Garrison is so stinkin tall! I love the costumes. It's so fun to see our kids loving good traditions!