Monday, September 1, 2008

Pudding anyone????

We had a BBQ with my neighbors on Sunday and I had seen on "Jon and Kate plus 8" this great idea. It is body painting with pudding. So the kids got their swimming suits on and went at it. They had a blast!!!!



(Rachel, Carly, Hayleigh, Emma, and Kimbo)



Anonymous said...

I saw that episode too! Looks like so much fun!

Christine said...

I wanna do that. NOW! When you return to New Mexico, we ARE going to do that. Chocolate Mousse only please. I might get hungry afterwards.

Bekah said...

I've been wanting to do it since I saw that episode too!

Anonymous said...

LOL, It looks like fun, but it would gross me out. I know, I suck snot for a living but pudding on my legs...

Anyway, Rachel is soooo creative, tell her I almost thought she was a zebra.

Kim said...

Great idea! I wouldn't have thought of that. I've only seen Jon and Kate + 8 once. It looked really good. I need to get up with the time and figure out when the show is on. You are such a great Mom! You guys are always doing fun things!