Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What is a best friend?

So I get teased a lot about how "loosely" I use the term "Best Friend." My husband says all the time that I have too many, where others feel that since I have so many "best friends" it makes the title less important. I, for one, completely disagree. I have many, many friends. Only a handful of those would be considered one of my best. True I have about 10 amazing women that I consider my best friends but they all deserve that title. These women have been there for me through so many tough times in my life. Times that most people do not know about, and probably never will.

Some have been in my life since birth (literally) and others have been as recent as a year ago, but each of these women hold a very special place in my heart. Each of these women have qualities that make them so incredible and amazing.

Each of these women have touched my heart and spirit in ways I cannot express and wouldn't even if I could because it is far too personal. All have been there for me, even when they didn't know it.

One of them was with me almost every waking moment the week I lost my dad. She didn't leave my home until I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open and she was back at my parents house within an hour of when I woke up. I can never thank her enough for that but someday I hope to be able to repay her in some way.

4 of my best friends were there for me when my husband was gone and I was alone with 4 kids, one of them a newborn and I was going to school full time. Buddy was only able to come home on the weekends and these women kept me going. They watched over me and my kids like you wouldn't believe. I felt like I had a mother and 3 sisters right there on my block when my own flesh and blood was hundreds of miles away.

1 of my best friends has known me since birth. Our moms were pregnant with us together. We have more memories together than any other friend either of us have. We cried over boys who broke our hearts, girls who were just mean, and parents who just didn't understand us. We fought like sisters and drove our parents and teachers crazy.

2 of my best friends are more recent. They have helped me get through the past 3 years. These two have been there for me through some pretty tough stuff. 1 shares the life I live every day with a child with Autism and she is probably the most Christ like human being I have ever met. She has gotten me through many dark times simply through loving me and not judging me. The other has helped me see things about myself that I couldn't or didn't want to see. She has saved me in many ways and brought me into a company that will forever mean so much to me. She inspires me so much to be a better friend and a better mom.

So you see, these women all have such a special place in my heart. Even though I may not see most of them every day, or even speak to them once a week...they are my saving graces and angels that get me through my tough times when no-one else can.

All of my friends mean so much to me. I never really valued my friends until I moved to Omaha. My friends I made there really showed me what being a friend is all about. I hope each friend in my life knows that I am always here for them. I did not speak of all of my friends or even best friends on this post but they each know who they are and they know I am always here for them.

I always say to my kids "Will you be my best friend?" My 4 children and my husband top the list for sure. What better friends to have then those that you hold nearest and dearest to your heart? My list just gets longer. And you know what? That's okay. I will add more best friends I am sure as the years go by and I am blessed to be able to do that. I cherish my husband, my kids, my family and my friends. I love them all unconditionally and thank them for loving me back.

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