Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ouch That's Hot!!!!

Oh what a day. Yesterday, I made myself some Cup O' Ramen. All was well until I went to sit down and oops!!!! The entire thing fell into my lap. There are no words to tell one just how excruciating that pain was/is. To make a very long story short, my neighbor came over, called 9-1-1 and I went to the E.R. Buddy was at work so he met me there. After SEVERAL doses of pain medication I was sent home with a long list of very strict instructions. The top and inner part of my left thigh is by far the worst. I have many blisters and it is just awful. The right thigh has a spot about the size of the palm of my hand. They gave me Morphine and Vicodin. The Morphine leaves me with the worst headache I've ever had and the Vicodin leaves me puking. hasn't been a pleasent couple of days. I go back tomorrow for them to check and I will contiue to go back until the doctor is sure that no infection will occur. They want to watch it very closely due to the large amount of area the burn covers.

My kids were all home and I cannot express how grateful I was. Rachel and Kimbo were AMAZING!!! Naddie was in bed and Garrison was freaked out but did rather well. The girls answered the phone when necessary, waited out front for the ambulance and showed the paramedics where I was and just over all were very brave and helpful.

I am in a lot of pain of course but grateful that I am going to be just fine. Pants are my worst enemy at this given time. I will refrain from posting pictures as I don't want anyone to join me in the "losing your lunch" festivities.


JanB said...

Oh, Heather! I'm so sorry that happened!
I hope it heals fast.
At least it won't leave a publicly visible scar;).

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Feel better soon.

Melissa said...

Holy cow!!! Ramen is scary! Feel better!

The Witt Family said...

Getting burned stinks and yes it sure does hurt, feel better soon!

ray said...

clutching in sympathetic pain

Ouch! Another case against female circumcision.