Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the mouth of babes

"Daer carter this is from Kimbo's sister Rachel. Now Kimbo is my best sister evre and you harted Kimbo's filenings and you woodint like it if Kimbo was meen to you and she will not want to be you'r friend enymore if you ceep bing meen to her and she will want to be your friend if you be nise to her for evr. By Rachel Hopkins thats Kimbo's sister."

Kimbo brought this to me today before she went to school and I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. It was so sweet of Rachel to stand up for her sister. This boy Carter, calls Kimbo a baby quite a bit at school and it makes Kimbo so mad and clearly it makes Rachel so mad too. I loved the way Rachel sounded out her words to spell them and worked so hard on this note. It made me so proud of my daughter that she would do this for her little sister. I did however, sit them both down and explain to them that this was not the appropriate way to handle the situation. I explained that I had already spoken with the teacher. I did however remind them that if they were on the playground at school, they had every obligation to stand up and defend each other. So stinking sweet!!!!


Bekah said...

Your previous post made me cry. That is so wonderful that you have great memories of your father like that. I'm sorry you are missing him at this time.

As for Rachel's note, that just warms my heart. What a sweet girl!

ArchRay said...

Children are so wonderful. I love the things they do.

Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!! She is standing up for her little sister I love that!

Johnson Family said...

It's great to see your chidren stand up for each other. That's great

Heidi A said...

That is the sweetest thing! Love it!