Thursday, April 10, 2008

What do you do on a rainy day?

I was downstairs doing laundry and came up to put some things away when I saw sitting at the kitchen table, are my two beautiful daughters, Rachel and Kimbo, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Piglet, and Lady (from Lady and the Tramp) all enjoying a lovely tea party. I immediately asked if I could join in and so it went. We had tea and crumpets ( water and donuts) and enjoyed a splendid conversation including what we want to be when we grow up and if we could be any animal, which one would we choose and why. I am ashamed to say that Mickey had to be excused from this delightful occasion as he could not refrain from burping. Unfortunately I did not have my camera as i left it in Albuquerque so just paint yourself a picture; however, it would be impossible to know just how wonderful it was unless you were here with us.


cschupp said...

That's awesome Heather. One day I want to start a blog, because this is such a great way to capture memories and share them at the same time! I don't know alot about blogs. Is it saved forever, or do you eventually lose info? Just wondering.


Beckie said...

How fun. What a wonderful way tp pass the time. Mickey has always been a trouble maker. Sorry to hear he wasn't better behaved.

Melissa said...

Sounds like a fun time. Yesterday, Corwin and Jocelyn and I played video games. And were very silly. Gotta grab thos moments whenever you can. Thanks for sharing.

Heidi A said...

That's so stinkin' cute! I love tea parties, especially on rainy days. Invite me to the next one, 'k'?

Mama Mia said...

Just checkin in to hear your cute kid quotes. Talk to you later about VT!

Johnson Family said...

That's so cute, well you know I've done my share of tea party's.(3 girls) I rember sharing times like that with my dad and stuffed animals.

ArchRay said...

Sooo cute. I love those moments, if you don't take advantage of them they are lost forever.